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FINAL NCSI Germany Summer Series 2024 post1 v1 01

Klas Government teams up with Paragon Micro to attend the NCSI Summer Series, a whistle-stop tour to all major bases in Germany. The NCSI Summer Series 2024 is a two week long tour that provides an opportunity for industry and government to collaborate and exchange critical information.

Come meet Clinton Nye from Klas Government who will be showcasing our products:

VoyagerVMm 2.0 

VoyagerVMm 2.0 is an ultra-slim compute module powered by the AMD Ryzen™ embeddedV2000 series processor. It delivers the compute performance to run applications such as virtual desktop infrastructure, machine vision, object detection, edge inference, or networking in the smallest form factor in a highly efficient power envelope.

Voyager DEK

The Voyager Dual Enclave Kit (DEK) provides remote access to secure networks for remote workers, executives on the move, and tactical users. With a compact form factor, VoyagerDEK slips easily into a briefcase or backpack and supports Type 1 topologies. Supported by a range of global service points, VoyagerDEK makes access to secure networks in remote locations easy.

Voyager 2+ 

The Voyager 2+ is the smallest dual-enclave chassis available. Optimized for backpack use, Voyager 2+ has support for two Voyager Network Modules and up to two HAPIE devices . The Voyager 2+ has a higher power output than the standard Voyager 2 to allow for the increased power demands of newer more powerful Voyager modules such as TRX R2 and VoyagerESR 2.0.

Contact sales@klasgov.com to schedule a meeting with the team to learn more about our Voyager products and solution capabilities.

NCSI Germany Summer Series 2024

Date & Time:

July 15 - July 26


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