Voyager TDL

A much bigger picture in a much smaller box

Have it your own way.

This enhanced TRIK™ and data link is designed to be more modular so you’ve got more options. We can configure it any which way you need it, while still fitting everything in the low SWaP TrueTactical™ Voyager case.

Voyager TDL makes Link 16 tiny. That’s huge.

Deploying Link 16 to the field used to mean a large amount of expensive and heavy hardware. But now, the enhanced Voyager TRIK™ supports Link 16 radios, giving you a truly tactical and low SWaP solution that is a fraction of the size and weight of existing solutions. It allows coalition partners to leverage Link 16 for a common operational picture across all domains, land, sea, air, space and cyber, giving coalition partners full situational awareness where it matters most.
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There’s nothing like this available today.

Voyager is the only battery-backed, hand-carriable solution on the market that can fully integrate and power the Collins TacNet™ Tactical Radio (TTR) Link 16 plus other Link 16 terminals and handhelds.

The other so-called solutions that integrate the TTR are loud, expensive and heavy, and can only support handhelds for Link 16 due to power restraints.

TDL integration partners

Click on the integration partner logos below to view use case examples

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