Klas Government at Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium 2022
Klas Government is participating in Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium 2022! Be sure to visit us at Booth #130.
Register to attend here. Find out more about Klas Government here.
About Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium 2022:
February 22-24, 2022 • The Broadmoor Hotel, Lake Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO
The Symposium provides a national forum for industry and government to work together to help solve the challenges of cybersecurity, community cyber readiness and national defense.
The theme this year is: “Securing Partnerships and Technologies.\” Modern organizations, whether Federal or Commercial, are increasingly interdependent on each other for mission critical pieces of their operations. Events in late 2020 and early 2021 highlighted some of the risks and vulnerabilities that can come with this dependence. Whether it is supply chain risk as demonstrated by the SolarWinds hack, or more traditional exploitations like those seen against Microsoft Exchange; as we all increasingly rely on trusted partners for our success, a critical look at existing and new strategies for securing our shared requirements becomes necessary.
The Exhibit Hall is full of industry, academia and non-profit organizations that will give you the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge cyber technologies and the chance to share your own ideas.
Visit booth #130 to meet Klas Government\’s Marty Distel.